Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa

Main Programme

Venue: Monastery of Alcobaça - Fence

Music and Revolution

We regret to inform that despite all efforts to reschedule this concert, we were unable to ensure its fulfilment within the period of the 32nd Alcobaça Music Festival.

Therefore, all ticket holders who purchased online at Blueticket will be automatically refunded. Those who bought their tickets in brick and mortar shops can request a refund within a maximum of 30 days, at the point of original sale, upon presentation of the ticket and proof of purchase.

Nonetheless, we would like to confirm that the Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa will be performing later this season in the Cistermúsica Fronteiras 2024 cycle.

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As early as 1945, Fernando Lopes-Graça himself invited adaptations of his Canções Heróicas to be sung solo or played by any instrumental ensemble. The aim was to make them accessible to "everyone". Conductor Luís Cardoso accepted the challenge and adapted some of these songs for orchestra. In a different way, Anne Victorino d'Almeida also recovered Zeca Afonso's melodies and brought them to more people with Histórias de Abril. And because it's all about the spirit of change, Beethoven's famous Fate Symphony comes to mind.

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827)
Sinfonia N.º 5, em dó menor, Op. 67 (1807)
I. Allegro con brio
II. Andante con moto
III. Allegro
IV. Allegro

Anne Victorino d’Almeida (1978–)
Histórias de Abril (2016)

Fernando Lopes-Graça (1906–1994)
Canções Heróicas (1955)
I. Acordai!
II. Mãe Pobre
III. Convite
IV. Firmeza
V. Jornada
VI. Canto de Paz
Arranjos para orquestra de Luís Cardoso

José Eduardo Gomes, musical direction

If you have any questions, please contact us:
Tel. 967 716 647 or info@cistermusica.com

“la Caixa” Foundation · BPI Bank is Patron of the 32nd edition of the Alcobaça Music Festival