Ensemble Cistermúsica Sacra
Jesu meine Freude and Penitential Motets
Reservation at https://bit.ly/cistermusica2024-rb-ensemblesacra
After the enormous musical and artistic quality demonstrated in the last edition of Cistermúsica Sacra, the ensemble of participants from the Advanced Workshop returns to Cistermúsica - Alcobaça Music Festival to reinterpret a programme of works from different eras and regions. Directed by Jonathan Ayerst, this concert is the result of the training programme for music students and professional choir members, held last March, entitled Jesu meine Freude and Penitential Motets. This performance, which includes works by Thomas Tallis, Manuel Cardoso, J.S. Bach and Anton Bruckner, will be the embodiment of a deeply spiritual moment.
Processional Tropário de Alcobaça
In Ramis Palmarum
Thomas Tallis (c.1505–1585)
Why fumeth in sight
Manuel Cardoso (1566–1650)
Et egressus est
J.S. Bach (1685–1750)
Jesu meine Freude, BWV 227
Anton Bruckner (1824–1896)
Os Justi, Christus factus est e Ave Maria
Inês Martins, Joana Monteiro, Maria Meireles e Patrícia Pescadinha, sopranos
Lara Rodrigues, Vitória Gorjão, Maria Matos e Matilde Ezequiel, contraltos
Alberto Araújo, Lucas Thaumaturgo, Emanuel Vieira e Tiago Morin, tenors
Carlos Filipe Cruz, Thomas Molloy, Miguel La Feria e Nuno Silva, bajos
Jonathan Ayerst, musical direction
Support: Parish of São Martinho do Porto and São Martinho do Porto Parish Council
If you have any questions, please contact us:
Tel. 967 716 647 or info@cistermusica.com
“la Caixa” Foundation · BPI Bank is Patron of the 32nd edition of the Alcobaça Music Festival