Dom Garcia - Scenic Cantata by Joly Braga Santos
Banda Sinfónica da PSP and Coro Sinfónico Lisboa Cantat
In 1971, António Barge, a doctor from Vilar de Mouros, commissioned three great figures in Portuguese culture to write an emblematic piece for the inauguration of the Vilar de Mouros Festival: the Cantata Cénica Dom Garcia. Joly Braga Santos was the composer. Natália Correia and David Mourão-Ferreira wrote the libretto. The work was composed for symphonic band, large symphonic choir, five singing soloists and eight narrating actors.
This grandiose cantata is inspired by the story of D. Garcia and his four brothers (D. Sancho, D. Afonso, D. Elvira and D. Urraca), children of King Fernando of Castile, before the formation of the Kingdom of Portugal.
The plot centres on the disagreement between the brothers when their father announces the division of the kingdom. Fratricidal struggles ensue, culminating in the captivity of King Garcia in the Castle of Luna, where he succumbs.
The memorable premiere of this work was given by the Banda da Guarda Nacional Republicana, under the direction of Maestro Silva Dionísio.
On 15 and 16 July 2005, after a silence of thirty-four years, the Cantata Cénica Dom Garcia returned to the stage, with the orchestra and choirs of the National Conservatory and the collaboration of the Choir of the Gregorian Institute, the Lisbon Higher School of Music and the Higher School of Theatre and Cinema, under the direction of Maestro António Costa.
Banda Sinfónica da Polícia de Segurança Pública
António Costa, musical direction
Coro Sinfónico Lisboa Cantat
Jorge Alves, choirmaster
Escola de Dança do Conservatório Nacional, dancers
Catarina Moreira, choreography
José Raposo, Dom Fernando
Mário Redondo, Dom Garcia
Ricardo Raposo, Dom Afonso
Pedro Saavedra, Dom Sancho
Leonor Seixas, Dona Urraca
Sara Belo, Dona Elvira
Pedro Saavedra, Messenger
Mariana Pereira, Angel
Jogral, Marco Alves dos Santos, tenor
Virgem, Bárbara Barradas, soprano
Three hazelnut trees
Filipa Passos, soprano
Sara Afonso, soprano
Rita Morão Tavares, contralto
Fernando Gomes, staging
Nicolás Isasi, assistant director
Luís Vieira-Baptista, scenic elements
Pedro Leston/Leston Design, lighting design
Jorge Barata, sound design
Nicolás Isasi, documentary
António Cristo, cameras and editing
Vitor Cordeiro, photography
Danuta Wojciechovska - Lupa Design, graphic design
Paulo Louro Rodrigues, financial adviser
João de Brito, legal adviser
Paulo Enes da Silveira, production manager
Ana Enes and Paula Coelho/ARTPRODES, production
Filipa Cruz and José Maciel/Jazz e Música Moderna da U. Lusíada, production assistants
ARTPRODES - Artistic Productions Enes da Silveira, producer
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“la Caixa” Foundation · BPI Bank is Patron of the 32nd edition of the Alcobaça Music Festival